Recombinant Proteins

CN¥ 2,900.00

CN¥ 6,650.00


Recombinant protein of human N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 1 (NDST1), 20 µg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

CN¥ 2,900.00

CN¥ 6,650.00


Recombinant protein of human heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 (HS3ST1), 20 µg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

CN¥ 2,900.00

CN¥ 6,650.00


Recombinant protein of human exostoses (multiple)-like 1 (EXTL1), 20 µg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

Purified recombinant protein of Human exostosin 1 (EXT1),Glu205-Leu335, with N-terminal His-ABP tag, expressed in E. coli, 50ug

Tag N-His-ABP (Albumin-Binding Protein)
Expression Host E. coli

Purified recombinant protein of Human heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase 1 (HS2ST1), transcript variant 1,Asn29-His106, with N-terminal His-ABP tag, expressed in E. coli, 50ug

Tag N-His-ABP (Albumin-Binding Protein)
Expression Host E. coli

Purified recombinant protein of Human xylosyltransferase I (XYLT1), full length, with C-terminal His tag, secretory expressed in HEK293 cells, 50ug

Expression Host HEK293T

Purified recombinant protein of Human heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 1 (HS6ST1), Gly162-End, with N-terminal His tag, expressed in E.coli, 50ug

Tag N-His
Expression Host E. coli

Purified recombinant protein of Human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 1 (glucuronosyltransferase P) (B3GAT1), transcript variant 2, full length, with N-GST and C-His tag, expressed in E.coli, 50ug

Tag N-GST and C-HIS
Expression Host E. coli

Recombinant protein of human heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 (HS3ST1), 100 µg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

Recombinant protein of human heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 (HS3ST1), 1 mg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

Recombinant protein of human N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 1 (NDST1), 100 µg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

Recombinant protein of human N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 1 (NDST1), 1 mg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

Recombinant protein of human beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I) (B3GAT3), 100 µg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

Recombinant protein of human N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 3 (NDST3), 100 µg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T

Recombinant protein of human exostoses (multiple)-like 2 (EXTL2), transcript variant 1, 1 mg

Tag C-Myc/DDK
Expression Host HEK293T